NTU Architecture Subject Group

Track and Field

Sport has developed more in the last decade, than in the previous 100 years, due to the influence of vast amounts of money and business interests. However, paradoxically it is becoming more inclusive and less collegiate. Sports engineering is the backbone of sport, researching, designing, testing and analysing a range of sporting equipment and methods to advance sport.

The introduction of ‘extreme sports’ into the proposal has introduced a wider varied programmatic and formal possibilities for the architecture. The form making requirements and opportunities of these sports are a gift to architects, combining three-dimensional complexity and constructional ingenuity, which is evident in the proposals BMX ramp designs that are infused throughout.

The proposal provides the existing RBS Bank with a section it always deserved, supplying an atrium space between the floors. The existing structural grid and form is extended to follow the formal urban geometries of the Georgian New Town, providing shelter and observation for the BMX skate park.

Jake Duthie
Student name
Jake Duthie
MArch Architecture
Student of the Year Award

MArch Architecture

The Master of Architecture (MArch) embraces the challenge of 21st Century architectural practice and focuses on educating architects with a global outlook through projects set in local, national, and international contexts.

Through “vertical studios” in each year of study, steered by leading practitioners and academics, we put current architectural thinking at the heart of the course. We locate architectural design centrally as an academic discipline through rigorous cross-disciplinary design research and complex methodological application. The course recognises the essential cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary nature of architecture, bringing together diverse disciplines aiming to create collaborative/group work as a means of developing design creativity within the realistic teamwork environment of practice. All projects will be developed considering sustainability, environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects, rather than being studied and applied as discrete areas of teaching and learning.

Read more about the MArch Architecture course

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