NTU Architecture Subject Group

Transcending Robitics

Entering the Fifth Industrial Revolution, where humans and robots co-exist within the workplace, the Old Royal High School of Edinburgh will play host to a revolutionary Robotics Institute. The project ‘Transcending Robotics’ focuses upon the manufacturing and study of robotics and the varied intended uses.

Through developing the site of a former educational institution and by extending the built mass upon the site, a varied architectural project is formed. By creating a focus on dynamic aspects for the design, with programmable spaces, dynamic solar shading and large-scale gantry robots, Transcending Robotics offers a different perspective over how a specialised educational facility can function for the needs of the students.

Alongside the individual spaces and fabrication yard, the Calton Hill site also offers a varied landscape to develop different strands of robotics. By creating different zones within the site, areas for manufacturing and testing can be utilised by the students.

Click here to see the Full project

Timothy Hayward-Browne
Student name
Timothy Hayward-Browne
MArch Architecture

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MArch Architecture

The Master of Architecture (MArch) embraces the challenge of 21st Century architectural practice and focuses on educating architects with a global outlook through projects set in local, national, and international contexts.

Through “vertical studios” in each year of study, steered by leading practitioners and academics, we put current architectural thinking at the heart of the course. We locate architectural design centrally as an academic discipline through rigorous cross-disciplinary design research and complex methodological application. The course recognises the essential cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary nature of architecture, bringing together diverse disciplines aiming to create collaborative/group work as a means of developing design creativity within the realistic teamwork environment of practice. All projects will be developed considering sustainability, environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects, rather than being studied and applied as discrete areas of teaching and learning.

Read more about the MArch Architecture course

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